Why Is The “Christian” Community Turning Away Alexis Skyy When They Ought To Know God Is Faithful!

This has been a trending topic on Youtube for some weeks now. Since Alexis publicly made her rededication known. The Youtube investigators have literally tore this story a bottom that it doesn’t even need. And it’s the so called Christian community that have done it. I’ve heard from men and I’ve heard from women who both look at this with disgust. How ungodly. How non christian like of them. That disgust me!
Alexis Skyy, 28, former IG model, influencer, mom and more made the choice to give her life over to Christ. She was baptized. Now if she’s committed to this new life, she has and is still in the process of repenting for her sins. Which is by far a glorious thing. She’s allowing God to clean her up and restore her. Beautiful! But some people are really upset. It seems as if they believe God can do it for them but not for others. Not for the people who they deem to be so far in sin. The question arises how do you go from this to this? How do you go from being half naked to wearing all white? How do you go from having sexual relationships with multiple men to now wanting a husband? Those questions are filled with Folly!
We’ve all made choices that made our beds in hell and we all have a choice to cancel that appointment by living a clean, right and Christ filled life. That’s a Christian life. Either Christians don’t fully believe or they don’t fully understand that God is faithful to his word. He never goes against his word! If you accept Jesus Christ in your heart, your place in heaven is reserved. Whether you’re a prostitute, a pimp, a bank robber or a rapist. If you confess, which in Hebrew means agree to, your sins give God the chance to wash you anew.
Oh, but of course the world is never going to forget and forgive and that’s why salvation isn’t up to them! Its a heavenly duty. Thank God for that! As true and pure Christians we should accept everyone who turns their heart towards Jesus. We’re fishermen of men and women, ambassadors of Christ. Bringing people closer to him is the goal. Alexis Skyy may have received the redemption of her lifetime by doing this courageous act. And as she moves further in life with Jesus in her heart, she will become the woman God has destined her to be. God is faithful to his word! You as Christians should know this. This should be inked into your heart!

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