Black Movie Blogmas Day 8 W/ NaShaye

Black Movie Blogmas Day 8! I’m late on day eight. I know, I know. But I came down with a cold Wednesday night and it hit like crazy on Thursday. So, I was in bed with two tissues hanging out my nose, drinking Theraflu and sniffing Vicks Vapor rub. Yes, I was nursing myself back to health. Though I did get a chance to watch the black movie in the photo above. Now, cut me some slack. I did something right. I was little bit concerned though. WordPress has been sending me notifications everyday telling me I’m doing an amazing job on my streak. I was like man, I’m going to miss out on my eighth day notification. But my health is far more important than my writing streak. Any who, let’s get into this movie! I’m fine btw. Feeling way better.

A New Husband for Christmas was a powerful movie. And I did not expect it at all. In the beginning I thought “What am I watching?” But I decided to give it a chance. And I’m so glad that I did. It was beautiful. It definitely prepared me for my marriage covenant even more. The movie was focused on about five married couples. They all had somethings going on in their marriage. But one particular couple was the focal point. The husband and wife were high school sweethearts and have been married for a total of seven years. In the beginning the couple partied, drinked, smoked and hung out all night long with each other. (You guys know!) Having fun with your partner is the best feeling in the world. Lol. there’s a Tik Tok that says, ” When I’m with my girl/man I don’t have to use my brain cells.” Thats too funny. And when your young and in love anything goes. But after three years of worldly living the wife decides to get saved. I’m talking about saved saved. The level of saved I’m on right now. She was no longer drinking, smoking or going to clubs with her husband. She traded in those things for tithing, bible study and a book club for wives. Amazing right? I would say so. But her husband disagrees. He’s still living in the world. And no matter how much she tries to change him, it only pulls him away further. One night she prays for her husband, and I would assume an angel comes to sit next to her and give her some instruction. She instructed her to go to 1 Peter chapter 3. The verse reads ” Wives in the same way submit to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe in the word, they may be won over without words but by the behavior of their wives…: Such a beautiful passage. So as hard as it was to keep her mouth closed, she decided to do exactly what the word said. But to no avail, he still didn’t change. Instead, he left her. She questioned God and his word. Saying she’s done everything he’s required her to do to save her marriage. But what she didn’t understand was that her doing her part, had nothing to do with her husband’s part. It took a man from his job to sit and have a conversation with him about the situation. The coworker went through the same thing as them. Only the man was the one who got saved and his wife was worldly. They split for a few years and came back to each other through Christ. Now they have a wonderful marriage, and his wife is the Pastor all women listen to for advice. This convinced the husband to at least try because he cannot deny that his wife is a good woman. So, the husband reads the marriage book he was given by the coworker, goes to church and even joins the church! He surprised his wife at her work Christmas party with the good news and apologizes to her for all that had transpired. The end!

What I loved about this movie the absolute most was that God and Jesus was in it. All throughout this movie. It was definitely a holiday movie, but I say it was more faith based than anything. I was so inspired I began reading scriptures that talked about marriage. I even started journaling what Iwas reading and had learned. I need this information for my marriage as I stated earlier. With God, a marriage is not easily broken but without him he will not stand. I love that this movie sent me to the Word! Amen! It sent me to scripture which led me another scripture and another. I went into research of the scriptures soon after. I got so deep, I even started praying over my future marriage. This movie was a blessing that I needed for my future, and I am so grateful that I came across it. So many couples are going through this and have gone through this, and the difference is Jesus. Couples that have overcome the world was only able to do it through the word. This further assures me that for my husband either he has to be out of the world or trying his best to make a change. Therefore, my purity and reverence in God can influence him instead of me forcing him to change. I loved this movie so much, the acting wasn’t A+ but it was good and they all did their parts and got the message out there!

Happy Black Movie Blogmas Day 8! Merry Christmas!!

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